Lead Inspections & Testing
Indoor Environmental Concepts, LLC., provides Lead Inspections & Testing in homes and commercial buildings. In addition, we also provide air monitoring of lead. A detailed report with the findings is given to our client at the completion of the project.
Finding Lead in Your Home
Unfortunately, lead can be present just about anywhere - your home, your business, your drinking water and in consumer products. This list will give you a good idea of how and where lead exposure can occur. If you suspect you or your family is being exposed to lead, contact us today for an inspection.
In general, the older the home, the more likely it has lead-based paint. In 1978, the federal government banned the use of paint containing the toxic metal. Unfortunately, many homes built before 1978 still have lead-based paint. If paint is cracking, chalking, peeling or in bad condition, it is especially important to have your home tested, as this can cause increased lead exposure.
Soil and Dust
Lead dust forms when lead-based paint is sanded, heated or in poor condition. Soil often acquires lead from exterior paint, lead dust and other sources, including leaded gas residue from past use in cars. Children playing outside can ingest or inhale lead dust or soil containing the hazardous material, causing lead exposure and health problems.
Plumbing and Water
If your home's plumbing contains lead or lead solder, your water could be contaminated. Lead cannot be seen, smelled or tasted, and boiling the water will not rid it of lead.
Job Sites
If your work involves lead or products that contain lead, you may be bringing it home on your hands or clothes. To remedy this, shower and change clothes before returning home. When you wash your work clothes, keep them separate from the rest of your family's laundry.
Other Places Lead Is Found
Painted toys and furniture, especially antiquesLead crystal or lead-glazed pottery or porcelain, and the foods and liquids stored inside these containersSome folk remedies
Health Effects of Lead Exposure
Childhood lead exposure remains a major health problem in the U.S. While lead poisoning is hazardous to both children and adults, lead is more dangerous to children because their growing bodies absorb it more readily and their nervous systems are more sensitive to lead's damaging effects.
The earlier the presence of lead is detected, the better.
Effects of childhood lead exposure can include:
Slowed growth
Damage to the brain and nervous system
Behavioral and learning problems
Hearing problems
Lead exposure is also hazardous to adults, who can suffer from:
Reproductive problems
Memory and concentration problems
High blood pressure and hypertension
Damage to the nervous system
Muscle and joint pain